You can cancel your treatment within the first 30 days at any time, and we’ll refund you the full amount even if treatment have been recommended and shipped.
Tell us about your medical history and weight journey to see if you’re a good fit for Comooz.
Meet With Doctor
Meet with your doctor to review your assessment and develop your treatment plan.
Receive your treatment
Your doctor will consider appropriate treatment for you.
Start your program
Measure your progress and meet with your Dietitian and Fitness Coach to make sure you stay on track.
The weight reset program
A medical pathway for long-term weight loss, designed by specialist doctors and dieticians, who help patients create sustainable lifestyle changes and keep the weight off for good. It is holistic and easy to fit in to any busy lifestyle - there’s no restrictive dieting or excessive workouts.
Weight loss is much more complex than “eat less, move more”. Your biology, psychology and environmental factors play an important part in your weight. We need to treat the root cause.
Participants using our program lost 5 times more weight than with diet & exercise alone.
Our Testimonials
The program testimonials are in
"I've lost about 18% of my body weight and I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment for having established healthier habits. Also, I'm grateful for how Comooz has helped me to redefine my emotional relationship with food."
"I'm no longer concerned about counting calories or points, and when I have an off day or two, I don't feel bad or guilty about it...I've lost 15% of my body weight, am down a pant size, and will have to shop for new tops soon!"
"I've lost 23% of my body weight, have much more energy, and cholesterol levels are down—which has made me and my doctor very happy. Most importantly, my confidence is through the roof."
"Comooz taught me to connect the dots around my metabolic health. You can diet and exercise all you want, but until you recognize what the underlying issues are...those changes will just be short-term."
"After eight months on the program, I've lost roughly 17% of my body weight, or 15kg. My A1C levels have also improved. In the beginning of my weight loss journey, my A1C levels placed me in the prediabetic range. Now, I'm in the normal range, which is a huge relief."
"I've lost about 18% of my body weight and I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment for having established healthier habits. Also, I'm grateful for how Comooz has helped me to redefine my emotional relationship with food."
"I'm no longer concerned about counting calories or points, and when I have an off day or two, I don't feel bad or guilty about it...I've lost 15% of my body weight, am down a pant size, and will have to shop for new tops soon!"
"I've lost 23% of my body weight, have much more energy, and cholesterol levels are down—which has made me and my doctor very happy. Most importantly, my confidence is through the roof."
"Comooz taught me to connect the dots around my metabolic health. You can diet and exercise all you want, but until you recognize what the underlying issues are...those changes will just be short-term."
"After eight months on the program, I've lost roughly 17% of my body weight, or 15kg. My A1C levels have also improved. In the beginning of my weight loss journey, my A1C levels placed me in the prediabetic range. Now, I'm in the normal range, which is a huge relief."
"I've lost about 18% of my body weight and I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment for having established healthier habits. Also, I'm grateful for how Comooz has helped me to redefine my emotional relationship with food."